Saturday, 29 August 2009

XV General Chapter:
For the sake of Christ with Magdalene of Canossa
Our Consecration: the Vows

Facilitated by Sr. Margaret Peter, FdCC (The Congregational Leader, Rome)
Kluang, Malaysia

Ephesians 4: 30
Sisters, do not grieve
The Holy Spirit of God
With which you have been marked
With a seal
For the day of your redemption.

For the sake of Christ
Following Christ / discipleship
Leaving all /selling all
Gospel women, being good news
Marian spirituality of availability / magnificat
Having the same mind / same attitudes of Christ
Same style of life and mission (look and do likewise)
Being a giving person (John 10: 10)

We want to live a life that clearly proclaims that we have been attracted and challenged by the gratuitous love of the Lord Jesus who on the Cross reveals the face of the Father and a “love without measure”. (General Chapter Resolutions. Pg. 1)

With Magdalene: It demands more; inspice et fac
Spiritually alive and charismatically vibrant
Live the MORE - enhancing the quality of life, love, service

Passion of Christ evokes passion for humanity
Living the double precepts of Charity

How does a Canossian express or live this?
What changes does it require? What are the demands?
What sort of preparation and formation do we need?
As individuals
As community

What will help me to be more focused?
Paying attention to the essentials
First things first (in relation to my consecration and commitment)
To be creative and proactive
To be alert and flexible (not to grieve the Holy Spirit)
To develop and live a mentality of change; an attitude of conversion
Ongoing process of transformation and growth

What do we understand by MENTALITY?
Way of looking at reality
Personal point of view (reflected, studied)
Personal opinions coloured by interest, responsibility etc.
Mindset that is inherited, cultural

A MENTALITY of CHANGE implies (ref. XV General Chapter)
Openness to understand one’s reality
An attitude of searching for what is true, good and lasting
A discerning attitude (clarifying and living the common VISION)
Developing an attitude of embracing and integrating values that enable one to be true to her true self (strengthening one’s identity)
Living and on-going process of radical conversion, formation, transformation
Process of being and becoming
Continuous conversion to the Gospel

We intensify our availability to be renewed v/ converted / transformed, to be in conformity with Jesus Crucified and Risen, so that the charism received remains vital an integral in its essence.

What style of life will ensure this MENTALITY of CHANGE at the various dimensions of our Canossian of life?

An attentiveness that facilitates a flow of grace
Awareness of a heightened sense of connectedness
Openness of the grace of living reconciled / in harmony
Alertness that favours communion of hearts through listening, dialogue, mutual empowerment
Enabling and radiating positive energy (quality of energies)
Spirit of enthusiasm that inspires, motivates and strengthens
Live in a state of MISSION (contemplation and action)

Let us lay aside every encumbrance of sin
Which clings to us
And persevere in running the race
Which lies ahead;
Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus,
Who inspires and perfects out faith”. (Hebrews 12: 1 - 2)