Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Need for more Vocation

April 2008 News

Need For More Vocations

During his homily on World Day of Prayer for Vocations, Fr Christopher Wilvaraj Soosaipillai emphasised the urgent need for more vocations to the priesthood. Fr Christopher, the parish priest of the Church of the Sacred Heart urged young men to take up the challenge of life and not to run from their difficulties.

"The world has its own set of values which are different from Christ's values - unconditional love, mercy, peace etc," said Fr Christopher. "Which is more valuable?," he asked them.Earlier he shared with his parishioners his own journey as a priest, the joys and struggles he endured without giving up.

During his Final Year, he spent 30 days in silent retreat. From there he asked himself if he was worthy after he read the book "The Art of Choosing" Fr Christopher noted the question that touched his heart - "I have chosen you, will you come and choose me?" Fr Christopher who is also the Vocation Director of the Archdiocesan Vocation Promotion Team (AVPT) said that in his eleven years as a priest, in his own weaknesses, he continues to bring the love of God to others.- Posted by Herald



  1. Chris, go out there and get a 9 to 5 job instead of blabbering about your struggles and living off the 'sheep' of the Lord.

    Following Jesus is one thing you dont need to teach ordinary folk. Following the unholy Church is entirely a different kettle of fish.

  2. Genuine followers wear their beliefs in their heart. Hypocrites wear it on their sleeves. Know which category you belong to, Chris ???

  3. Chris, in your homily (see above) you emphasized the urgent need for more vocations to the priesthood. I hope for your sake, you weren't serious when you said that. Just imagine if all young men in your congregation embraced the priesthood. Then where would the church get their contributions from since there would not be any working member in the church? Then where are you going to get the funds to keep your belly full ? Dont you think what you said can be construed as pure theological poppycock??

  4. Chris, you might not be aware but YOU are a walking testimony of what a subscriber of Jesus teachings, should not be.
